If you’re experiencing constant headaches or muscle pain in your jaw or neck area, your pain may be symptomatic of TMD, also known as TMJ disorder. This type of pain isn’t something you have to live with forever; at Alatorre Dental, we can help!

What is TMD/TMJ Disorder?

First of all, “TMD” and “TMJ Disorder” are two ways to say the same thing: both stand for temporomandibular joint disorder. Your temporomandibular joint is actually comprised of two joints that connect your mandible (your jawbone) to your skull’s temporal bone.

The following are some common symptoms of TMD:

  • Painful chewing.
  • Headaches and/or migraines.
  • Pain in your neck, face, or shoulders.
  • A ringing in your ears, also known as tinnitus.
  • Soreness in your jaw.

What Causes TMD?

As you can imagine, your temporomandibular joints are used pretty regularly. All day every day, we are talking, eating, yawning, and moving our jaws around in one way or another. TMD can come about due to injury to the head, neck, or jaw, or simply from the joints’ strenuous overuse, such as with teeth grinding or clenching. Other causes of TMD include stress-induced muscle tightness in the face and jaw, arthritis, or having an uneven bite.

Treatment Options

There are multiple treatment options for TMD. The most popular and effective are:

  • Mouthguards: Mouthguards can help keep your jaw in an optimal position while you sleep, preventing grinding or clenching. This helps your muscles recuperate and decreases pain levels.
  • Botox Injections: Botox injections into the muscle surrounding your jaw can strengthen it and relieve stress and pain.

Benefits of TMD Treatment

Many people who don’t know they have TMD become pretty accustomed to dealing with the symptoms day-in and day-out. But finally getting treatment for TMD can give you a better quality of life with freedom from aches and migraines, greater jaw flexibility, and an improved ability to concentrate.

What Can We Do For You?

If you’re experiencing abnormal pain in your jaw or neck, TMD may be the culprit. Give our office a visit or call us to schedule your consultation.